D2D Syrup

What is Immune Boosting?

  • Immunity is otherwise called as disease resistance power.
  • It can go weak as a result of infection or due to autoimmune disorder like psoriasis.

Immune boosters are necessary for the treatment of various infection and non infection

What happens in Immune Boosting?

As a result of weak immunity,

  • Susceptibility and severity of the infection increses.
  • Treatment success gets delayed in chronic diseases.

Immunity is weak in

  • People who suffer from chronic diseases like psoriasis, vitiligo, arthritis and others.
  • Children who often suffer from wide spectrum of upper respiratory tract infections


D2D Syrup

Combat RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus), the chief cause of respiratory tract infections in children.

Boosts the immunity. (Boosts the antigen killing rate of phagocytes. Phagocytes are the primary immune defense system of the body).